Apple is reportedly speeding up development of a tabletop robotic device. According to a report from Bloomberg, Apple is reportedly working on a home device with an iPad-like screen connected to a robotic limb that can move and reposition the screen. The device is expected to serve as a smart home command center and could also function as a video conferencing tool.
The Bloomberg report said the project, internally codenamed J595, was approved by Apple in 2022. The company is now ramping up development, targeting a launch in 2026 or 2027. The project is reportedly being led by Kevin Lynch, Apple’s vice president of technology, who previously oversaw the self-driving car initiative.
The expected device will likely use actuators to tilt the display and allow it to rotate 360 degrees. Currently in early development, the device is expected to run on a custom version of iPadOS. The final version is expected to be controlled by an updated version of Siri and incorporate Apple Intelligence features. According to the report, the device will respond to voice commands such as “Look at me” to orient the display toward the speaker.
Apple is also working on other smart home products. The report mentions that the company is developing robotic devices that can move around the user’s home. In addition, a humanoid version of the smart robot has been discussed within the company. These projects are in the exploratory phase and are led by Hanns Wolfram Tappeiner, a robotics expert, with the support of a team of more than 100 engineers previously involved in the Apple Car project.
Beyond smart home devices, Apple is reportedly exploring ideas like augmented reality (AR) glasses and a version of AirPods with built-in cameras and AI to help users based on their surroundings.
First published: August 16, 2024 | 12:03 p.m. IST